
in the works

I've been busy.

Finishing a Children's book.
In the middle of a novel (well two to be exact- writing one and reading another).
The 9-5.
My boys.
And all the unexpected stuff that never fails to present itself in-between... Needless to say, blogging about it all just doesn't fit into the schedule- but I'm too excited about the progress not to share!

I'll be posting pictures and updates (when I catch a free minute).. For now- here are some influences:

Current read:

Illustrator love:

(Jon Klassen)
My motivation: <3
 Audio love:
*till next time!


the way young lovers do

Looking forward to this! My boyfriend has been working hard to prepare. *proud girl right here.



Preparing for a 32 hour drive with the family.

Lord help me- my two boys have no idea what they're in for... and I'm just trying not to think about anything other than gas, food, and music. LOTS of music. Wish us luck!

 listening to Caveman- Thankful

*pictures coming soon :)



I'm a morning person but I am NOT a walker. *I don't mean zombie, I mean yoga-pant-visor-wearing, water bottle totting, walker..

I don't think it's laziness as much as a lack of patience. I can't imagine walking anywhere when there are other ways that can get you there faster. And walking a track- forget that! I feel like a hamster going in circles. Gets boring for me...and boredom can be dangerous so I avoid it as much as possible.
Regardless of my oh-so-logical arguments- not walking defeats the purpose of trying to be healthier. SO, I'm sucking it up and taking the first steps (see what I did there?) to being more active.

Earlier this week I started strolling at least 30 minutes around the neighborhood. Whittier is full of trees, hills, and all around pleasantness so I'm finding that the mile or so (baby steps) is quite enjoyable. Add a good soundtrack and I almost find myself wanting to go an extra block or two! ALMOST. I'll change it up when the inevitable redundancy strikes. Definitely want to make it a habit.

Today's strolling soundtrack:

youth knows no pain- Lykke Li
young blood- The Naked and Famous
at your door- Chromatics
hold my breath- Milosh
herfra hvor vi star- Quadron
if only it were true- the Walkmen



Yes. I am entering the last month of my 29th year.

What does that mean you ask? Well...so far it means:

* One found (and hated) white hair.
* A possible adventure in real estate.
* Inspiration to build, refurbish, and create!
* And new motivation to focus on my health and fitness..

I am SO looking forward to my thirties! Bring it on life- I'm ready.

-listening to midnight city



It must be my inner grizzly- I always imagined my dream home should be on a mountain. In the middle of trees, with the smell of wood, and with raccoons as my neighbors...

a girl can dream...


jon k.

Everyday, as I endure traffic to and from work, I imagine quitting my job, knocking a desk over, and starting my dream: illustrating and writing.
All I do during class lectures is doodle.. I watch more cartoons than a soon-to-be 30-year-old woman should, and yet- I don't care. Is it a mid-life crisis? Am I nuts?! ...the older I get, the stronger the urge to leave the 9-5 behind burns my soul. *le sigh....

I have recently grown fond of the illustrations by Jon Klassen. He has an AMAZING talent! The boyfriend and I appreciate his imagination and I find myself getting inspired everytime I see his work. A girl can only dream of being this great some day....

(a video J.K. helped design) <3