

I'm a morning person but I am NOT a walker. *I don't mean zombie, I mean yoga-pant-visor-wearing, water bottle totting, walker..

I don't think it's laziness as much as a lack of patience. I can't imagine walking anywhere when there are other ways that can get you there faster. And walking a track- forget that! I feel like a hamster going in circles. Gets boring for me...and boredom can be dangerous so I avoid it as much as possible.
Regardless of my oh-so-logical arguments- not walking defeats the purpose of trying to be healthier. SO, I'm sucking it up and taking the first steps (see what I did there?) to being more active.

Earlier this week I started strolling at least 30 minutes around the neighborhood. Whittier is full of trees, hills, and all around pleasantness so I'm finding that the mile or so (baby steps) is quite enjoyable. Add a good soundtrack and I almost find myself wanting to go an extra block or two! ALMOST. I'll change it up when the inevitable redundancy strikes. Definitely want to make it a habit.

Today's strolling soundtrack:

youth knows no pain- Lykke Li
young blood- The Naked and Famous
at your door- Chromatics
hold my breath- Milosh
herfra hvor vi star- Quadron
if only it were true- the Walkmen

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