It must be my inner grizzly- I always imagined my dream home should be on a mountain. In the middle of trees, with the smell of wood, and with raccoons as my neighbors...
Everyday, as I endure traffic to and from work, I imagine quitting my job, knocking a desk over, and starting my dream: illustrating and writing.
All I do during class lectures is doodle.. I watch more cartoons than a soon-to-be 30-year-old woman should, and yet- I don't care. Is it a mid-life crisis? Am I nuts?! ...the older I get, the stronger the urge to leave the 9-5 behind burns my soul. *le sigh....
I have recently grown fond of the illustrations by Jon Klassen. He has an AMAZING talent! The boyfriend and I appreciate his imagination and I find myself getting inspired everytime I see his work. A girl can only dream of being this great some day....